What’s Next?
Because ZetaTalk was correct in saying that the polls were
rigged to show a Clinton victory, so that the anticipated rigged
election would seem correct to the public, and ZetaTalk was
correct in saying that Dunford and the Council of Worlds would
work to prevent the Clinton crime family from succeeding, I and
the Zetas have been deluged with hundreds of questions asking,
essentially, “what’s next?” These questions were all declined as
they were either 1. idle curiosity or 2. matters in the hands of
man or 3. already answered if one merely looks into Trump’s
campaign speeches for the answers.
The Zetas are not
here to hold your hand when you have a niggle of curiosity, nor
do they speak for the Council of Worlds. In addition, the
phenomenal success on election night was due in great part to I,
Nancy, and the public being very much in the dark on what was
about to take place. As I frequently say, “your curiosity is not
the most important thing”. It is more important to surprise the
bad guys, to not clue them in. This statement is not always well
received by the confused public, who were misled by the rigged
polls and cooperative media.
- So, we know that the Zeta's
assisted in getting the Election to Trump and the criminal
Clinton family out of the White House by guarding from
fraud. The Clintons sent 1.8 Billion Dollars to Qatar and
intended to flee, if they would loose and be prosecuted.
Now German TV is telling that Trump is rowing back with a
prosecution of the Clintons. Trumps victory speech was so
soft and had nothing to do with his rallies. Rioting
emerged in different US states. Where are the dots? It is
very hard to combine. Would the Zetas care to comment?
- With lots of energy and time
spent on elections and Clinton gone and Trump won the
election, my questions are: Is something going to happen
from now to January 20th 2017 which will call for Martial
Law by Obama and delay the Oval office transition? What is
the ultimate message/meaning given by the Council of
Worlds by making Trump the President?
- Now that the election has been
decided, and Hillary will not be our next President, would
it be possible to learn what transpired in those last
weeks with Comey and the relook at the e-mail issue? And,
was President Obama being "pressured" with his daughter's
lives (or well being) that caused him to make some of the
choices he has made (one in particular the North Dakota
pipeline and his comment to wait a few weeks and see what
happens). And, does Trump signal hope for the populace of
the USA? And, will Bill, Hillary and the Bush family be
prosecuted openly so all can see? I know this is a lot,
and that there are many individuals out there wondering
the same and more. It would be greatly appreciated if the
Zetas would take time to comment.
- I can't believe you are not going
to answer any of the question posted on the elections.
It's getting harder to believe any of this is real. Or if
what you are is truly relating from Zetas is correct.
Nothing new has changed. I am relieved that Trump won. I
believe in the coming of Nibiru. But you hold back when
people need answers to why everything happens the way it
happens. We should have the right to know. I don't expect
my hand to be held along the way to what's coming.
- “Declined?” Really? I am not
applying for a credit loan — and if I were I certainly
would not be declined! All I was asking was a simple
question that you should have known without having to ask
any Zetas. Now I’m beginning to wonder just how authentic
you are. And, after a quick mental analysis, since you
“declined” me so severely and suddenly, I can only
conclude you are a fraud.
Wall Street: It was
assumed, because of Hillary’s frequent well-paid speeches to
Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street functionaries, and because
of her close association with Hedge Fund managers, that Wall
Street would be devastated. George Soros, a staunch Hillary
backer, is a Hedge Fund billionaire, and Chelsea’s husband is a
Hedge Fund manager.

- Can the Zetas explain what went
on with international markets as it became clear Trump
would win, through the end of today? Was it just the
Plunge Protection measures that have been in place since
2008? It seems odd it would freefall last night and then
be up 200 points today.
- As the Zeta's were proven right a
bunch lately. What will happen to Hillary if it is not
divulging the battle afoot? As a humble wealthy civilian
still facing four different FBI investigations with no one
rich now backing her and her loyal network CNN reporting
about the booing and chants of stock brokers at the NYSE
as she conceded.
But it should be no surprise that a rapid rebound of a
momentary drop in the DOW after Hillary’s loss occurred, given
that Trump has made it known that he intends to reverse many
anti-banking regulations such as Dodd-Frank.

- "Lock Her Up": NYSE Floor Traders
Boo, Shout During Hillary Concession Speech
November 9, 2016
- If Hillary hopes to make the
metamorphosis from public to private sector with some new
function on Wall Street, she may encounter stiff
resistance from the locals. During her one-day delayed
concession speech to Donald Trump, the New York Stock
Exchange floor was rocked by loud booing as traders
expressed their true feelings for the former presidential
candidate. The market offered a much warmer welcome on
Wednesday for Trump. Shaking off panic selling that rocked
global markets overnight, U.S. stocks opened violently
higher, and the Dow has soared over 1,000 points from its
overnight lows, just shy of its all-time highs.
- Trump Team Promises to 'Dismantle'
Dodd-Frank Bank Regulations
November 10, 2016
- Many Republicans hate the
2,300-page law, saying it is layered with far too many
regulations. But Democrats say it provides valuable
oversight of an industry that they believe took too many
risks on Wall Street and too much advantage of customers
on Main Street.
Russia: During the
campaign, Trump made it clear that he expected other nations to
foot the bill for their protection, citing Japan and NATO as
relics of World War II. Hillary repeatedly blamed Russia
for the Wikileaks and for the Podesta email leaks. With the
Trump victory, a repeat of the Cold War with Russia, or even war
with Russia, has been avoided.

- I had some hopes about the
announcement to be made before USA elections 2016. Now,
The Council of Worlds did not find necessary to push any
Earth change in order to stop elections, Trump is the
flamboyant president of United States and my question is,
as usual, related to what we can expect with regards to
the Announcement now. Is Trump the person who, with Putin
and other world leaders, will make the Announcement? I
understand that he is pro-announcement so this will be on
his shoulders now as Obama has failed in this issue as his
personal option.
- Russian soldiers fear that they
no longer will have a nuclear war which from the Zeta's
statements seems to be more a fear of Clinton winning.
It could be assumed thus, as many in Russia are assuming, that
the George Soros push for NATO to start a war with Russia along
the East European borders would now be resisted.

- Trump Victory: Russians Relieved
about Republican Win over Clinton
November 10, 2016
- America is seen as an aggressor
that uses its military and soft power to promote regime
change across the globe. Hillary Clinton was portrayed as
a dangerous candidate who favored foreign interventions in
the name of democracy while Trump was described as a
bulwark against a possible war with the United States.
Announcement: Will
what the Zetas have described as a multi-pronged announcement
via astronomers suddenly take a great leap forward? In
particular, since Putin was originally on the team with Xi to
confirm the announcement when Obama planned to make it, way back
in 2012, will Trump and Putin now manage to do the deed?
- If Trump, being the Puppet
Master's ace in the hole will announce Nibiru at some
point, what does that mean for battle?
- Can the Zetas give us an update
on the announcement? Is the Dark Energy Survey about to
announce their "discovery" ala Nibiru or are there still a
few "nudges" to come? After the discovery of the dwarf
planet 2014 UZ224 in October, the Zetas said "we're
getting closer to the discovery of Nibiru. It will not be
long now." That was a month ago. Is the announcement
coming or not? It's been one agonizing wait!
- With lots of energy and time
spent on elections and Clinton gone and Trump winning the
election, my questions are: Will Trump tell the truth
about Planet X? Will the Council of Worlds wait as they
did with Obama to tell the truth about Planet X if Trump
wants to wait? There was time we thought the truth will be
out and not blinded by the system. People will be sharing
information and helping each other but now it just seems
like it is not happening. Just like in days of Moses we
need to wait till the end (9 of 10).
- Over the last year and a half the
Zeta's have explained that Trump was only in the election
race to keep the Clintons and Bush families from
re-gaining the White House. That he really didn't want to
be president. He has had to take the race to the finish
line to beat Hillary. Now that he is elected to be the
next POTUS, can the Zeta's share anything on what role he
will now play in getting the announcement out?
- Do the Zetas predict a
Dunford-Trump relationship similar to the current
Dunford-Obama relationship, mainly that of cooperation and
acceptance by Trump that Dunford is in charge and he is
the spokesperson who must okay his moves with Dunford, or
will Trump try to be in charge or go off-script too much
and cause a good deal of trouble, such as bungling many
things related to Nibiru?

SomeOnesBones, a site given to disinformation mixed with fact,
predicted that Trump would announce Nibiru during his acceptance
speech. While it is true that Hillary is part of the cover-up
cabal, Trump is obviously not that rash.
- Trump to Announce Nibiru during
Victory Speech
November 7, 2016
- An inside source with close ties
to the Trump campaign provided shocking information as to
Donald Trump’s plans for election night. If he wins the
election, Trump will reveal the existence of Nibiru—said
to be a brown dwarf star and seven planets on a
near-collision course with Earth —during his victory
speech. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, belongs to a
cabal devoted to concealing the truth about Nibiru until
the last possible moment, in hopes that she and her
elitist friends can weather the storm in underground
bunkers and rise to build the world anew once the dust
7 of 10: It was
clear that the Earth changes were not going to be used to halt
the 2016 election. As noted in last
week’s Newsletter, they all seemed to calm down in the two
weeks ahead of the election.
- I want to ask the Zetas a couple
questions. With the elections finally out of the way, and
Trump securing a victory, should we expect severe Earth
changes to occur and soon? The Council of Worlds finally
proceeding with the 7 of 10 events? Last year, The Zetas
said the 7 of 10 changes are likely to complete in 2016.
Are we to expect all 7 of 10 events to come at us before
2017? We've been recently informed by the Zetas that there
is no longer going to be a sequence of events but an
- What will the Council of Worlds
do next to convey the message about Planet X as they
stopped the natural process of 7 of 10 movement?
- The Zetas have revealed Trump's
real intention about running for president. Now that Trump
is president we know he'll be under the direction of
General Dunford. Earth changes are overdue. Is Trump aware
of the threat and what of his spiritual orientation? Is he
inclined to work with Dunford?
Now that the question of who will be in the White House has
been settled, Earth changes do indeed seem to be picking up
again. On November 13 a massive 7.8 quake in New Zealand on what
the Zetas call the “brake” plate, the Indo-Australian Plate,
occurred. Unlike after most quakes in the last couple years, the
buoys even responded. The buoys had been desensitized, and even
turned off in the most active regions on the globe, such as near
Japan and between S America and Africa where the dual rolls
would show up as turmoil in the mid-Atlantic, and the quake
magnitudes were down-graded. This quake in New Zealand was
certainly closer to a magnitude 10, and the brake has been

For the first time in years, the seismographs
showed the Earth “ringing like a bell” too. These too had been
desensitized to make them match the diminished earthquake
reports. In describing the Indo-Australian Plate as the brake,
the Zetas have said that when the brake lifts, then all the
other plates around the world move in a domino fashion. Matters
can be expected to pick up!
Soros Riots: George
Soros, per the Zetas, considers himself akin
to God in his ability to play the planet, and very much
wanted Hillary to win. Does he have more mischief to play?
- Anti-Trump protests and riots are
erupting across the US. Is George Soros trying to incite a
civil-war? What about Hillary? Is she enraged that she's
lost? She didn't expect to lose, right?
- Can the Zetas tell us if Donald
Trump is in any physical danger or if he will he be harmed
before he can make it into the White House? The extremist
vitriol, the media propaganda, the divisive nature of the
atmosphere nowadays and the pure evil of George Soros and
company, really makes me wonder if there will not be an
attempt on his life, before the Electoral College meets.
My questions are: are the elites planning such a move
against Trump and would they be successful if they did?
Might Soros try to get the Electoral College to vote Hillary
in? Per the Zetas, this will not happen. Where Clinton won the
popular vote by more than half a million votes, this included an
estimated 3 million illegal immigrant votes for Hillary. In
truth, Trump won. The electoral votes were Trump 306 to
Clinton’s 232. He won from coast to coast. This was not a
regional blip.

- United States Presidential Election,
November 9, 2016
- Clinton is projected to win the
popular vote. If she does, the 2016 presidential election
would be the fifth election since 1804 in which the winner
of the popular vote did not become president (after the
elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, and 2000).
- Electoral College: Make Hillary
Clinton President on December 19
November 9, 2016
- On December 19, the Electors of
the Electoral College will cast their ballots. If they all
vote the way their states voted, Donald Trump will win.
However, they can vote for Hillary Clinton if they choose.
Even in states where that is not allowed, their vote would
still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine -
which we can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to
ZetaTalk Opinion
11/12/2016: The
electoral college has never gone against the vote, and is not
about to do so for a bribe from Soros. All eyes would be on
the electors that went against the law. The tide has clearly
changed against such corruption, and this is obvious. The US
and in fact the world is stunned that the intended election
fraud was thoroughly countered, in every state, despite the
obvious poll fraud. Those who would entertain taking a bribe
to break the law would be highly nervous. This situation is
also not without precedence, as the 2000 Presidential election
likewise went against the popular vote.
Hillary pulled in the vote advantage in highly populated
states like New York, where she was a senator. This does not
reflect the mood or choice of the rest of the nation, which is
obvious from the size of Trump’s rallies and the intense
Republican turnout. Soros of course is still interested in
having Martial Law called in the US as soon as possible,
because he assumes the elite would be protected by the
military. Thus he may try to incite riots, pay for this, but
this flurry will pass and not succeed. The US survived the
Soros incited race riots this past year. This too will pass.
Polar Interest
From the N Pole, where pinging and humming are driving wildlife
away in the straits off Baffin Island, to the S Pole, where John
Kerry decided to take a hike, the poles have been in the news
lately. Per the Zetas, the Baffin Island hum is due to one of
the humming boxes placed
around the globe by the Council of Worlds, to slow down the 7 of
10 plate movements until the populace can be informed about the
pending passage of Nibiru.

- The Canadian Military is
Investigating a Mysterious Noise in the Arctic
November 2, 2016
- In the tiny Arctic hamlet of
Igloolik, Nunavut, hunters say a mysterious sound,
seemingly coming from the bottom of the sea, is driving
wildlife away. In 2014, a public summary of an as-yet
unpublished government report on that strange hum stated
that its origin could not be established.
- Mysterious Sound Detected in Canada's
November 3, 2016
- People in Canada's Arctic are
straining for an explanation for a mysterious sound
detected off Baffin Island. CBC News reports says local
hunters, from the nearby community of Igloolik, describe
the sound as a "ping" or "hum," apparently coming from the
sea floor in the Fury and Hecla Strait, a narrow waterway
that separates northern Baffin Island from mainland
ZetaTalk Confirmation
11/12/2016: These
sounds are coming from some of the humming
boxes, working overtime to keep the N America Plate from
slipping into the New Madrid adjustments we have so long
predicted. As we have stated, the Council of Worlds has the
brake on many plate movements at this time, holding back what
would naturally have occurred had these brakes not been
applied. Where these straits to the south of Baffin island do
not appear to be on a fault line, the fault line is implied by
the straits themselves. This indicates a weak point in the
crust, ripped in the past.
Per the Zetas, Kerry’s trip to Antarctica had a human motive, to
lay claim to some of the Antarctic territory! Yes, Antarctica is
supposedly under an international treaty, preventing any more
land grabs, and yes, much of the pie slices already claimed in
Antarctica are overlapping and a source of contention, but there
is a big piece supposedly “unclaimed”. Not anymore!

- U.S. Top Diplomat Kerry Flying to
Antarctica during Presidential Vote
November 5, 2016
- Kerry will depart Washington on
November 7 and will arrive at McMurdo Station in
Antarctica on November 10. From there he will travel to
the U.S. research station at the South Pole. Department
spokesman John Kirby denied that Kerry's travels were
timed to keep him out of the country during the November 8
ZetaTalk Confirmation
11/12/2016: Last
February the Russian Orthodox
Patriarch Kirill visited Antarctic, and per photos
chatted with penguins. Now the US Secretary of State John
Kerry is traveling there, leaving on November 7, the day
before the elections, and returning days after. Supposedly
this visit is to publicize climate change, but there is
another agenda. The continent of Antarctic is expected to be
prime real estate in the Aftertime - right on the new Equator,
with a fresh water lake under the ice. There is one unclaimed
slice of Antarctica, and the US research station sits right on
it. Kerry has gone to plant the US flag and claim this pie