Last covered in this newsletter in Issue
325, when DNA evidence proved that Bigfoot was a version
of early man.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
12/1/2012: We
stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that Bigfoot was a
version of early man, and the DNA shows this to be precisely
Sightings are on the increase. Video footage taken during a
camping trip near San Antonio, TX and a thoroughly
analyzed video of a 1994
Washington State sighting have peaked interest. These are
not men in suits. The walk has a rise and fall, unlike man who
merely strides. The trapezius shoulder muscles can be seen
moving under the skin just behind the head.

Per ZetaTalk, Bigfoot is very much our peer, in spiritual
development and quality of the soul. They have merely requested
a type of spiritual sabbatical, incarnations into a more
primitive life form.
ZetaTalk Insights
7/15/1995: These
entities have been placed into a primitive condition at their
request, so that they can return to a basic understanding of
how to get along with each other, with nature, and ponder the
wondrous workings of nature. Their quarantine is not an exile.
It is a search for peace. Has Bigfoot something to do with
early mankind, perhaps an early model of man? The answer is,
not surprisingly, yes! Bigfoot is indeed an interim model of
one of the six races of man. How does it happen that only this
race retained an intermediate model? How did the others not
retain this. During the evolution of man, during periodic
genetic engineering efforts, the entire race would be
affected. All within a given race were in breeding proximity
of each other, and the genetic alterations spread out
accordingly. Bigfoot was separated, removed from the others,
and moved into remote areas.
Why have sightings been on the increase, and if Bigfoot was to
be protected from mankind’s cruelty, why is such strong evidence
of Bigfoot’s existence now being allowed to fall into man’s
hands? Per the Zetas, due to the Pole Shift forcing survivors
into the wilderness, we will be encountering them more
frequently in the future.
ZetaTalk Insight
10/5/2013: In
that mankind will be chased into the wilderness in great
numbers during the Pole Shift and Aftertime, the Council of
Worlds has decided to allow mankind to be educated about
Bigfoot. Thus, the increased sightings. Bigfoot can and
has mated with man, producing offspring. This has been
documented among the American Indians of the West Coast USA,
where the offspring reportedly died young, and in Russia near
the Caucasus mountains where they survived. This is possible
because Bigfoot is merely a living version of early man, with
similar DNA. Will survivors of the Pole Shift live alongside
Bigfoot? They will encounter each other, and as long as
respect is shown to Bigfoot, who is not inherently a violent
or malicious entity, will have a peaceful coexistence. They
may even visit and befriend each other.
Indeed there is evidence of Bigfoot and man having produced
hybrids. One female Bigfoot, Zana, is of record in the Caucasus
mountains in Russia, though in keeping with the quarantine, her
grave cannot be located. One of her sons, Kwitt, is well of
record, however. The jutting lower jaw and squat head can
clearly be seen in his skull and there are stories of his
exceptional strength.

- The Story of Zana
- Her skin was black, or dark gray,
and her whole body covered with reddish-black hair. She
could not speak. She was very tall, massive and broad,
with huge breasts and buttocks, muscular arms and legs,
and fingers that were longer and thicker than human
fingers. She became the mother of human children. Two sons
and two daughters, grew up a fully-fledged and normal men
and women who could talk and possessed reason. He was
extremely strong, difficult to deal with, and quick to
pick a fight.
Is there other evidence of Bigfoot hybrids? They are of record
among the American Indians. The story of one such hybrid,
Patrick, is well documented by those who knew him. He died at
age 30. And in China, another who died at 33 years of age.
Bigfoot DNA may be within the human genome, even without such
solid documentation. Some theories are that Bigfoot is a
leftover from the ape form Gigantopithecus,
whose bones can be found in Asia.

- Bigfootology's "Known Hybrid-Offspring
of Human and Bigfoot"
- During her stay with Skanicum the
woman became pregnant and bore a son named Patrick, who
grew up on the reservation. Patrick's body structure was
very different from that of other Indians as his arms were
very long, reaching about to his knees. He was very short,
about 5'4" tall (his mother was described as "tiny"),
possessed a sloping forehead, very large lower jaw, a very
large wide mouth with straight upper and lower lips, and
straight protruding teeth. He was kind of stooped, or
hump-backed. His ears were elongated upwards (peaked) and
bent outward at the top. He had very large hands and long
fingers, is described as very ugly although extremely
intelligent. He attended school on the reservation, was
"very smart", operated a ranch in the area, died at about
the age of 30, and is buried on the reservation. Patrick
is described as a "gentle" man, never beat or mistreated
his wife. He married easily as he had a good ranch and was
considered "affluent". From this marriage was born three
daughters and two sons. Both sons died at an early age.
- Human Bigfoot Hybrid from China
April 28, 2011
- The boy’s mother said that she was
kidnapped by a Yeren, the Chinese wildman or Bigfoot which
probably does exist in China, and raped repeatedly, then
abandoned. She went back to her village and gave birth to
this son nine months later. He never learned to speak any
language, but he did obtain passive language competence,
that is, he could understand what was said to him. He died
at age 33. His arms seem to be extremely long. His head
sits right on top of his shoulders, and he seems to have
no neck. His shoulders are very wide. When he sits, he
just plops his ass right down.
These Bigfoot hybrids are not humans afflicted with Acromegaly
Gigantism, a pituitary gland disfunction. Gigantism
produces tall humans, but not humans with the characteristic
long arms, sloping low forehead, and jutting jaw. Microcephaly
also does not apply, as apart from the pointed head, no other
features follow.

Comet ISON Hype
As with comet Hale-Bopp in 1995 and comet Elenin in 2010, comet
ISON is being used by those hoping to distract and disinform the
public about the pending passage of Planet X, aka Nibiru. The
Zetas warned during the arrival of Hale-Bopp that if the public
was so gullible as to think this
little dirty snowball was the object of End Times prophecies,
then they would have more such fraudulent claims. And they have!
Hale-Bopp was a real comet but before it was visible to amateurs
it was a fraud, a line tracked from a convenient nova through
star clusters to meet up with the real Hale-Bopp comet. The
Hale-Bopp fraud pointed the public toward Sagitarius - opposite
from Orion. The goal was to have the public look away from
Orion, where ZetaTalk was insistently pointing. Planet X did
indeed arrive in 2003, visible from observatories in 2001, via
infrared in 2002, and naked eye in 2003. Meanwhile, the public
proved to be gullible.
ZetaTalk Warning
8/16/1995: Don't
look to Sagittarius, look to the left of Betelgeuse in late
2001, and keep looking! It is not what was advertised and
pointed to in 1995. It is not what folks were advised to track
through Sagittarius in late 1995. It is not what folks were
struggling to see in early 1996, nor the brief alignment of a
comet in June-July of 1996. It is not the many Star Clusters
that the Hale-Bopp orbit was aligned with during its twists
and turns that broke all the rules of Orbital Elements and
have never been explained by JPL. And it will prove not to be
what has been billed for Hale-Bopp at perihelion.
True to the Zeta warning, comet Elenin, which was newly
discovered in 2010, was booked as the new End Time comet. It
disintegrated, with a bit of benign alien assistance, ending the
fraud prematurely.

ZetaTalk Comment
9/13/2011: Elenin
was huge, bigger than Jupiter. Elenin was under intelligent
control. Elenin was being followed close behind by Nibiru.
Elenin would cause a pole shift, and was surely responsible
for all the Earth changes that seemed to be on the rise,
lately. This was a well funded campaign, with notaries such as
Hoagland on board, flooding the Internet. The cover-up over
the truth about Planet X and the pending passage was thrilled.
All the Earth changes up until the passage by Earth and for
months after could be blamed on Elenin!
Now we have ISON, which the established astronomical community
is treating correctly as just another comet, though it is being
hyped as potentially the comet of the century. As with Elenin,
it appears to be dying before its time, however.

- Comet ISON Will Be Visible During The
September 26, 2012
- A newly discovered comet has the
potential to put on a dazzling celestial display late next
year, when it will be so bright you may be able to see it
briefly in the daytime sky.
- Comet of the Century?
March 25, 2013
- Comet ISON — officially designated
"C/2012 S1 (ISON) — has the potential to be the most
spectacular comet of the century. But it could also prove
to be a dud. A critical moment will be perihelion passage,
when the comet comes closest to the sun. On Nov. 28, 2013,
the head of the comet passes 800,000 miles (1.2 million
kilometers) above the sun's surface. This is closer to the
sun's surface than the sun's own diameter.
- Comet ISON may be Dying
October 6, 2013
- The so-called light-curve of the
comet shows features previously observed in disintegrating
Once again we are hearing the hype, that the comet is being followed by
a UFO or is intelligently controlled. This was claimed
for Hale-Bopp and Elenin too. Once again the hype is that a
little dirty snowball has been and will cause the Earth changes
that are becoming so very obvious – earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions and a disrupted magnetosphere. Once again we see
Hoagland and DiNardo as disinformation agents. Among other
claims, ISON is being claimed as the reason for FEMA
preparations during hurricane season, for the GOP inspired
government shutdown during the budget battles in DC, and even
for the 100 year anniversary of the Federal Reserve. The
cover-up over the pending passage of Planet X, aka Nibiru is
still trying to mislead you.

- Is Comet ISON a UFO? Hubble's
Scientists do a Reality Check
September 6, 2013
- It's not at all certain that Comet
ISON will turn out to be the "comet of the century," as
hoped, but a couple of things are certain: It's not an
alien spaceship, and it hasn't split up into three pieces.
- ISON & The Federal Reserve Bank
October 5, 2013
- According to models, Ison is set
to pass in front of the earth on December 23, 2013.
Exactly 100 years after the creation of the Federal
Reserve Bank. Why would they only need it for 100 years?
- Govt Underground Fleeing Comet ISON? 7
October 3, 2013
- The following email was just sent
to Beforeitsnews by one of our readers and Beforeitsnews
friend John DiNardo . The Government Ruling
Elite are Fleeing into their Underground Cities to
Escape the Perils of the Approaching Comet ISON.
Sunda Plate Flooding
The Sunda Plate appears to be renewing its sinking. The Pole
Shift ning reports from Thailand,
Nam and Singapore report flooding and compare the current
flooding to that experienced in 2011. This is significant as the
end of 2010 was when, per the Zetas, the sinking of the Sunda
Plate began and indeed, this was measurable via the MODIS satellite
images by March, 2012. Note that during the recent 2013
flooding, the area affected is not
in the path of the storm being blamed for excessive rainfall.

This region was predicted by the Zetas to experience an
estimated 40 foot elevation drop. Cambodia, Bangkok in Thailand,
and the tip of Viet Nam appear to be at that level now.

ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: If
the loss of 40 feet in elevation is not devastating to the
Philippines, it is to the coastline of southern Burma,
Tailand, and Cambodia, which have vast areas that will
suddenly and permanently be flooded.

- 02 Oct 2013: SE Asia – Floods and
Severe Weather
October 2, 2013
- National News Bureau of Thailand
reports: 25 provinces are still being affected by floods.
Heavy rains since the third week of Sep, caused floods and
flash floods in at least 10 provinces in northern and
central Cambodia (along Mekong River). In total: ca. 374
000 people affected and 30 people died.
- Floods Inundate a Quarter of
Thailand's Provinces
September 23, 2013
- More than 600,000 Thais have been
affected by flooding since July and more than a quarter of
Thailand's provinces have been inundated, prompting
officials to issue landslide warnings and begin evacuation
measures. Devastating floods in 2011 killed more than 800
people and caused massive disruption to industry, cutting
economic growth that year to just 0.1 percent.
- Cambodia: Flood death toll in Cambodia
rises to 20
September 26, 2013
- Floods have killed at least 20
Cambodian people, including 11 children in the last two
weeks, a disaster control official said Thursday. Nearly
5,000 families have been evacuated to higher grounds,
while over 20,000 houses have been inundated. Seven
provinces being hit by floods are Stung Treng, Kratie,
Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar
Meanchey, and Preah Vihear. In 2011, the country was hit
the worst from floods, killing up to 250 people, according
to the NCDM.
- Flood Alert (Updated)
September 24, 2013
- All of a sudden this year's flood
season seems much more serious as waters rise near the
industrial estates devastated by the 2011 floods.
Moving south along the Malay
Penninsula, the Manjung province likewise reports
excessive flooding citing “high tides”, the usual excuse for
inundations from the sea.
- Floods in Manjung Worsen, 1,000
October 22, 2013
- Besides heavy rain, the high-tide
phenomenon has also contributed to the flood situation.
Nearby Singapore sinking has not yet completed its sinking. At
the cust of the 60-80 foot drop, it appears to be situated at a
40-60 foot drop, close to what the Zetas predicted. The ferocity
of the recent 2013 floods indicate sinking may again be in
process. Wikipedia found it necessary to maintain an
article about flooding in Singapore from 2010-2013. The end of
2010 was when the Sunda Plate began to sink, per the Zeta

- 2010–13 Singapore Floods
- The 2010–2013 Singapore floods
refers to the series of flash floods that hit various
parts of the city state Singapore since 2010. The floods
came about due to the higher-than-average rainfall that
aggregated over a short period of time.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/16/2010: Singapore
will be awash, its streets hopelessly inundated.
Singapore once again is showing flooded shops and intersections
and roadways. With the government promising to get more accurate
topographic maps so they can improve drainage, and to
strengthen the sea walls holding back the sea. Is there
something they are not telling their citizens?

- Flash Floods in Several Areas Around
S'pore after Heavy Rain
September 5, 2013
- National water agency PUB said on
its Facebook page that flash floods occurred in several
areas. It added that most of the floods have since
- Flash Floods Hit Singapore Again
September 5, 2013
- Singapore was affected by flash
floods on 5 September due to unusually heavy torrential
rains. The Public Utilities Board (PUB) issued warnings of
"heavy flood risk" in many areas in Singapore on its
Facebook page. According to feedback from the PUB and
online users, the affected areas seem to be in the central
parts of Singapore.