The Mar’s rover Curiosity made a stupendously successful
landing on Mars and immediately began relaying images and data
back to Earth. The Zetas of course had been bombarded with
questions as to the outcome, in that NASA is an active party in
both the cover-up over the alien presence and the cover-up over
the presence of Planet X. Their prompt reply on the day of the
landing, August 6, 2012 was that - surprise, surprise -
Curiosity would “discover” evidence of life
on Mars. Why would this be when NASA takes pains to do the
opposite, refusing to examine the Face on Mars closely, and
denying that UFOs are regularly in evidence in NASA images? Per
the Zetas, they and the elites wanting to ride out the Pole
Shift on Mars want funding,
taxpayer funding, and want Obama pressured by the public to
support this.

ZetaTalk Comment
8/6/2012: Though
the Council of Worlds imposed
a quarantine in the past
to keep mankind and the Annunaki apart, this quarantine did
not preclude mankind’s exploration of Mars nor the discovery
of the Annunki’s presence in the past. We mentioned
recently that the elite are still interested
in going to Mars to escape the Pole Shift chaos on Earth. The
elite are interested in having NASA put forth the taxpayer funds and
personnel to prove that the trip would be safe. Will
this rover suddenly discover evidence of past life on Mars?
That is almost a given, since the elite realize that without
avid public interest additional funding for NASA ventures
would not occur. Methane gas, which is evidence of bacteria
and plant life in the past, will be admitted, though it has
been uncovered during past exploration. Glimpses of structures
that imply hominoid visitors in the past may also be allowed,
and certainly the abundance of water underground on Mars will
be confirmed. All to force Obama to provide continuing
Why would the rover be allowed to land on Mars, but Russian
satellites fail to boost into orbit? Several UFOs were filmed
zipping around at the launch, and could hardly have been missed,
very obvious. The satellites were to serve Indonesia and
Russian territory, and desperate and drowning migrants from
Indonesia are expected as the Earth changes progress. Could
there be a relationship? Per the Zetas, this is absolutely the
relationship. Curiosity on the other hand will promote the
Awakening, but won’t provide the elite with the NASA funding
from taxpayers the elite seek. Thus one was allowed, while the
other was scuttled.

- Russian Booster Rocket Fails to
Deliver Satellites
August 7, 2012
- A Russian booster rocket carrying
two telecommunications satellites malfunctioned during a
launching, failing to deliver the satellites into their
proper orbit and rendering them useless and unsalvageable.
The satellites, worth about $45 million, were intended to
provide telecommunications services for Indonesian and
Russian customers. They were carried by a Proton rocket,
with a Briz-M booster, launched from Russia’s Baikonur
space center in Kazakhstan. One of the lost satellites,
called the Telekom-3, was the first Russian-made satellite
bought by Indonesia. In May, a Russian-made Sukhoi
Superjet 100 airliner crashed in Indonesia during a
demonstration flight for potential buyers.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/6/2012: There
are many agendas behind the Mars rover, but the only one that
will come to fruition will be to announce the discovery of
life on Mars. Methane from rotting organic material, bacteria
and mold, and perhaps even living worms in the soil. The elite
are trying to force Obama to get the US taxpayers to pay for
manned missions to Mars, and this will hardly work given the
current state of the economy and the pace of the Earth
changes. But the Awakening to the alien presence will be
facilitated. Russia was recently smacked
by the Council of Worlds for trying to probe Phobos, a moon of
Mars where the Annunaki have been mining for gold. The
Annunaki and mankind are quarantined from contact with one
another, and the Russian’s know this. The Telekom-3
communication satellite that was disabled was hardly designed
to facilitate communications, it was intended to spy on
desperate and drowning migrants heading toward Russian
territory, the better for Russia to disable them.
Moon Swirl
When Planet X came into the inner solar system in 2003,
brilliant Second Sun sightings occurred
and were captured on film. Then Planet X moved closer to the Sun
and was lost in the glare, though brilliant Moon
Swirl orbs would appear on occasion, seen naked eye by an
astonished public and
captured on film. Lately the Second Sun rising and setting is
being captured, as depicted recently on the Mawson
webcam in Antarctica, and brilliant Moon Swirls are
definitely apparent, showing up on photos from around the world
even when no solar filters are used.
Note the correlation in photos from Brazil on July
27, 2012 and California on July
30, 2012 and another from someplace in the USA on August
2, 2012. The placement of the brilliant and huge
Moon Swirl to the left/top of the Sun appears in all. The
California photographer moves his cam around so the lens flares
can be easily distinguished. The Moon Swirl remains firmly in
place at the 11 o’clock position. Moon Swirl orbs cast their
brilliant light, like the light that comes out the end of a
flashlight, when the long tube of the swirl is pointed toward
Earth. Sunlight bounces down the walls of the tube and is
focused out the end.

Alberto, in Italy, the Father of the Red Filter Revolution, has
steadily taken photos both behind mylar and the red film from
the inside of an old floppy disc. On July
24, 2012 using a mylar filter, and again on July
25, 2012 and July
27, 2012 a brilliant Moon Swirl to the left of the Sun was
consistently captured. Switching to the old familiar red filter
from a floppy insert, on July
29, 2012 to July
31, 2012 the Moon Swirl orbs and other tail elements are
showing up to the left and above the Sun, confirming what others
have captured during the same period.

A week later, by August 7, 2012 that bright Moon Swirl had swung
up to be above and to the right of the Sun, the tail waft
swirling in the retrograde
(clockwise) motion that Planet X itself assumes for
rotation and orbit. Alberto’s photo was also given
a correlation by another red filter photo from Warsaw,
Poland! Same date and virtually the same time of day!

ZetaTalk Description
4/21/2006: Planet
X has a couple dozen moons, and they form into seven moon
swirls which go into tubes as they swirl around each other,
and from the side look like a tube. From the front, as the
sunlight is bouncing down through these tubes, they can look
like a bright orb in the sky because its capturing light and
focusing light as though mirrors are lining the inside of
these tubes. Thus, more intense light reaches the viewers
eyes. Planet X has a retrograde rotation as well as a
retrograde orbit.
Madagascar Chevrons
Why are the Madagascar Chevrons suddenly under inspection?
Chevrons along coastlines composed of ocean sediment have been
theorized to be caused by big asteroids or comets crashing into
oceans causing a tsunami, but scientists now state their
theories don’t hold. Why the turnaround? Per the Zetas,
scientist have found that these Chevrons fit better with the
ZetaTalk explanation of Pole Shift tides, and want the world to
wake up to what is coming.
- Giant Dunes, not Mega-Tsunami
August 5, 2009
- About four years ago, a group of
scientists proposed that a series of giant, wedge-shaped
sandy deposits found along the shores of southern
Madagascar might be evidence of a giant tsunami — a
“mega-tsunami” — generated by an asteroid that may have
blasted into the Indian Ocean sometime in the last 10,000
years. As a tsunami approaches the shore, the wave becomes
more or less parallel to the shoreline and it will wash
straight in. But the Madagascar dunes formed at a high
angle to the shore.
- Ancient Crash, Epic Wave
November 14, 2006
- Scores of such sites have turned
up in Australia, Africa, Europe and the United States,
including the Hudson River Valley and Long Island. The
chevrons all point in the same direction to open water.
Half the myths talk of a torrential downpour. A third talk
of a tsunami. Worldwide they describe hurricane force
winds and darkness during the storm.
ZetaTalk Explanation
8/11/2012: Chevrons
formed from ocean deposits along coastlines are yet another
absolute proof that the Earth has experienced regular crustal
shifts in her recent past. The pattern in the Chevrons is from
the sloshing in the oceans we have predicted - high force,
single direction, and height. Scientists who refuse to
consider that periodic Pole Shifts happen to Earth struggle to
explain them. It is only the large tidal waves we have
predicted and described, where the entire ocean is on the
move, that such sediment can be swept inland. The tides during
the Pole Shift will rise 500-600 feet along coastlines, not
crashing down but steadily pushing inland. Why are the
formerly prevalent theories just now being challenged - that
these coastal Chevrons were caused millions of years ago or
were formed by tsunami from comets? Scientists aware of
ZetaTalk and the presence of Planet X are taking our warnings
seriously, and looking for evidence with which to educate the
In his book Earth in Upheaval,
Velikovsky recorded plenty of evidence that such tidal waves
have washed inland. Whale bones are found in the hills along the
St. Lawrence Seaway at the 500-600 foot height that the Zetas
state the Pole Shift flood tide can rise. Velikovsky has also
recorded folklore in his book Worlds
in Collision, where natives worldwide report that high
waves crashed inland. Clearly, these were times of a Pole Shift,
with a long period of darkness preceding the tide.
- Earth in Upheaval, by Velikovsky,
Chapter: Whales in the Mountains
- Bones of whale have been found 440
feet above sea level, north of Lake Ontario; a skeleton of
another whale was discovered in Vermont, more than 500
feet above sea level; and still another in the
Montreal-Quebec area, about 600 feet above sea
level. Although the Humphrey whale and beluga
occasionally enter the mouth of the St. Lawrence, they do
not climb hills.
- Worlds in Collision, by Velikovsky,
Chapter: The Tide
- The traditions of the people of
Peru tell that for a period of time the sun was not in the
sky, and then the ocean left the shore and with a terrible
din broke over the continent. The Choctaw Indians of
Oklahoma relate: “The earth was plunged in darkness for a
long time”. Finally a dark light appeared in the
north, “but it was mountain-high waves, rapidly coming
nearer”. According to the Lapland epic, after the sea-wall
fell on the continent, gigantic waves continued to roll
and dead bodies were dashed about in the dark waters.
The Zetas have stressed that the Pole Shift tides are not
a displacement wave which results when a object is dropped into
the ocean and waves move in all directions. It is also not
a tsunami wave, which is water from adjusting plates that have
either fallen or risen thus pushing water rapidly in one
direction. A tsunami moves toward a shore like a ripple,
then rises up as a tall wave when the water reaches the shore.
The Pole Shift tides are the entire ocean on the move, like a
steadily rising tide that eventually reaches great height on the
coast, and flows potentially hundreds of miles inland before
reversing and returning. The Zetas have advised that people
should be 100 miles inland and 200 feet above sea level to be
safe from these sloshing tides.
ZetaTalk Explanation
6/15/2001: In
Tsunamis, a single line of pressure moves through the ocean,
transferring water pressure rapidly from the quake point to
where it must stop, at land, thus finally crashing upon a
beach. Asteroid generated waves are thus tall, crashing upon
the shore. Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not
lifted by Tsunami waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave.
During a pole shift, there is no single line of pressure, the
ocean as a whole is on the move because it stays behind while
the crust moves, and thus rolls up on land onto the coastline
being pulled under it. This is a flood tide, with the lip of
the water being its highest point, rising like a silent tide
endlessly on the rise, the wave rolling inland without a
crashing back and forth, just a steady progressive inundation.
Whale bones on mountain tops well inland were not lifted by
Tsunami waves, nor carried inland atop such a wave. A whale
would not be close enough to the shore to be caught in such an
occurrence. They arrived at these inland mountain tops because
the entire ocean was moving, and they could not escape the
momentum. Thus caught, they were deposited in rocky crags
where fast flowing waters moved quickly away from them through
cracks, too tight a squeeze for the hapless whale left
floundering behind.
The price of beef, chicken, pork, and farm raised fish will all
rise in the US because of the recent drought, making these
sources of protein increasingly unavailable for many, due to the
cost. Grass has dried up and died, so grazing and collecting hay
is impossible. Grain crops have failed, so corn fed beef may be
a thing of the past, and chickens, pigs and fish in ponds don’t
live on air and water.

- Chronic Drought to Become Commonplace,
Scientists Warn
July 30, 2012
- Projections indicate that drought
events of this length and severity will be commonplace
through the end of the 21st century.
- U.S. Ranchers Sell Cattle as Drought
July 24, 2012
- Cattlemen throughout the middle
and western part of the U.S. also are selling animals they
can't graze or afford to buy feed for. Beef from the
animals now flooding livestock auctions will start showing
up in grocery stores in November and December, temporarily
driving down meat prices. But then prices are expected to
rise sharply by January in the wake of dwindling supplies
and smaller livestock herds.
Meatless meals will become a priority. The Zetas have long
warned of crop shortages in the years prior to the Pole Shift.
Looming food shortages were predicted in Issue
120 of this newsletter on February 15, 2009 and crop
shortages as the cause were reported in Issue
165 of this newsletter later that year on December 27,
2009. At the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1995, the Zetas urged
the common man to get into gardening, learn how to save seed,
keep flocks of chickens or goat herds if possible, and get used
to being self-sufficient.
ZetaTalk Advice
7/15/1995: Those
groups who have prepared, and are relying on themselves and
their own carefully tended gardens, will not find themselves
pinched between starvation and hostilities. Fortunately, the
easiest produce to grow is that most economical as foodstuffs.
Humans have but to return to their recent past and relearn
these lessons.
ZetaTalk Prediction
7/15/1995: Of
course, leading up to the cataclysms, not all produce will
fail. Greenhouse crops will come through. Backyard gardens,
tendered carefully by watchful eyes, will survive. But the
large cash crops that supply crowded population centers will
find little to market, and the prices will go up accordingly.
Should the reader think that planting and harvesting will go
on as before, they should realize that the gloom that follows
a cataclysm is devastating to vegetation. If vegetation
survives the droughts that precede the cataclysms and the hail
and firestorms and high winds that occur during the cataclysms
then it must next survive an almost continual deluge and lack
of sunlight.
Why are lysine rich vegies important? Because those vegetables
and grains that carry the lysine protein allow a vegetarian diet
to have the same protein value as red meat! Lysine is a
necessary protein usually missing from a vegetarian diet. Soy,
peas, legumes, buckwheat and amaranth are among the recommended
vegies with lysine.
- Amaranth
- Amaranth has the highest lysine
content of all the grains in this study with Quinoa coming
in a close second. To make your whole wheat bread a
complete protein, substitute about 25% of your wheat flour
with Amaranth flour. Just 150 grams of the grain is
all that’s required to supply an adult with 100% of the
daily requirement of protein.
- Buckwheat
- If you use half buckwheat flour
with your wheat flour, the buckwheat's amino acids will
round out the limiting amino acids in your wheat nicely,
giving you a nearly perfect balance of the 8 essential
amino acids. This particular balance between half wheat
and half buckwheat flour is much more closely aligned to
your dietary needs even than lean beef!!!
- Protein
- Legumes are the
foods highest in the amino acid lysine. Tofu, tempeh, and
soy meats are the highest, followed by other legume foods.
What should be noted is that by combining vegetables and
grains, one can make the equivalent of red meat! Rather than
feed your corn to cattle, for their meat, grow amaranth and mix
with corn for an equivalent
of meat. Simple, and a far more efficient use of corn. Finegan
Fine has a chapter on an
orphanage, where this idea is promoted. If this exhausted
old woman can manage to feed growing kids a high protein diet,
so can you.
- The orphan mistress has graying
hair, barely pinned on top of her head in a bun. Her dress
is tattered and hanging on her body as though at one time
she were somewhat overweight. She looks immensely weary,
and walks as though she might not make the next step. She
stops to take her breath and looks up at the visitors.
Seeing them non-threatening, she raises a hand weakly, as
though saying a "hello", and then walks forward toward the
dining area. She takes a seat on the picnic table, sighing
as though relieved to be off her feet. Taking a deep
breath to gain her strength, she lifts her face to smile
at the visitors and waves them forward to join her. She
directs her charges. “Stir that fire and put on a pot.
We'll serve some tea.” She leans back, having caught her
breath, and continues to direct her young charges. “Honey,
use that other pot. It has a spout. That's it.”
- Finegan says, “These aren't all
yours.” The startled orphan mistress responds, “Oh
Heaven's no. I'd surely be in the ground if that was the
case! Picked them up in Montgomery when the troubles hit.
I was down there visiting, checking on some friends of
mine that can't move around so good no more. After I
buried them, heart attack and such, I was heading back
home and found these kids just lost. Been weeks, and
no one came to collect them. Well, what could I do? We
came home together. Been a blessing, these darlin's have
been. A blessing.” Finegan's mouth drops open at this
unexpected description of a dozen or more orphans, some
obviously only toddlers when she collected them, being
described by this exhausted woman as a "blessing". He
catches himself as he realizes they are watching his
- “I been at this business for some
years. Planted corn and amaranth, being vegetarian and
all. Don't need meat if you got those. Made a mix for the
local organic outlets. Amaranth greens are a good salad
too. Made my living at that. No need to plow if you keep
the weeds down regular. Just re-seed.” The orphan mistress
waves in the direction of the wall of young children
clustered behind her, each clutching a cup of tea. “These
are the best little weed pickers I ever seen. You pull a
weed up, the grubs and beetles fall out, and the chickens
clean them up. You go down the rows and knock the bugs off
the plants, and the chickens foller along and clean them
up. What's left is our produce, bug free, and eggs. We got
lots of eggs.”
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